Terms & Conditions
Frequenty Asked Questions:
Consent to videos and photos taken during the event and managed by KOZY ENTERTAINMENT PTY LTD for promotional purposes
If any injuries occur during the event, KOZY ENTERTAINMENT PTY LTD will not be responsible in the stead of another individual or group
If any attendees purposely disrupt or harrass (including verbal and physical assult) anyone during the event (including the artist and staff members), they will be asked to leave the premises and blacklisted from attending any future events. No refunds will be given and in severe cases, legal actions will take place
The ticket cannot be transferred to another attendee without prior notice. Please contact official@kozyent.com or contact us via Instagram if you need to hand over your ticket to someone else
Tickets are non-refundable unless there is a major change to the schedule, venue location or the event is cancelled/postponed.
If under the age of 18, parental permission is required before purchasing the ticket and attending
What is included in the dance workshop
Each session includes a total of a 1.5-hour dance segment. This is when MOOD DOK will teach his own choreography according to the intensity level of each session. Filming will be done during and after the lesson for promotional use. These videos will be shared through a Google Drive link afterwards.
What is included in the Q&A session and photo session
After the dance lesson, a selected few attendees will get the chance to ask MOOD DOK questions in relation to dance in general. Before wrapping up, the attendees can take photos with MOOD DOK in small groups. This session may be cut short depending on the time.
Are the tickets refundable
Tickets are non-refundable. Please email official@kozyent.com for further enquiries. By purchasing a ticket, the buyer agrees to all the terms and conditions and consent to filmings being done (however, the official dance video filming at the end of the session is not mandatory) and understand that no rash behaviours are acceptable during the event.